February 16, 2011

Can I Wear Black with Brown?

In the past, I have always fixed my fiancé's outfits, refusing to let him wear black and brown together! I've always been told that you are never supposed to commit such a fashion crime! But now, I feel fashion is changing and allowing for such mix of colors. So I would say,


I wouldn't overdo it but here are some tips on how to pull off wearing these colors together.

Try wearing...

1. Leopard Print Cardigan over a Black Shirt/Dress
2. Black Dress with Brown Belt & Brown Sandals
3. Brown Dress Top with Black Pants
4. Brown Cardigan over Black Dress
5. Brown Long Shirt with Black Leggings
6. Black Top, Jeans, Brown Belt, Brown Boots
7. Black Nylons with Dark Brown Leggings and Leopard Print Dress

Animal Prints are the easiest way to pull off the two colors. But honestly, don't worry about what you're "supposed" to wear. Whatever YOU think looks best when you're looking in the mirror, go ahead and wear it! If you think it looks good, it probably does. The same thing goes for other colors you've been told not to wear together... perhaps Pink & Red or Gold & Silver. Just because other people are too afraid to wear them doesn't mean they don't look good! You can set a new trend-- then start counting how many people around you start wearing the forbidden colors together!


  1. I've seen lots of black leggings with brown boots this season. I think it just depends on the shade of brown. I've done it plenty of times this year, though!

  2. Yeah I noticed that! The main reason I didn't buy a pair of brown boots was to avoid the black/brown issue, but next winter I'm definitely going for it! :)
