February 6, 2011

What is Fashion?

Fashion is what looks good on you during a certain time frame. Everyone is usually attracted to somewhat of the same clothing styles because it’s fashionable for the moment. For example, bell bottom jeans were cool in the 70’s. Skinny jeans are fashionable now. There can be many different trends going on at once such as Preppy, Punk, Vintage, Goth and other styles which I’m sure you’ve all noticed simply by sitting in a high school class, or walking through the mall. Fashion is always changing and can be difficult to keep up with. It’s common for children to look at their parents and comment on their out-dated, embarrassing clothing! [No offense to parents, I’m about to be one in 5 months! :)]

Most importantly, fashion does not have to be about what is “in” or how cool you dress compared to others. Let fashion be a reflection of your character and who you are. Don’t be afraid to dress in any style you want to. Who cares if someone next to you hates your super sweet pair of shoes you bought from Charlotte Russe. Be yourself—That’s what makes fashion fun!

And lastly, I thought I’d throw in the classic definition according to Webster.
1: a prevailing custom, usage, or style 
2 (a) : the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time (b) : a garment in such a style <always wears the latest fashions>
3 : social standing or prominence especially as signalized by dress or conduct <men and women of fashion>

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